Monday, 30 July 2012

Moscato and sweet wines

I've started pairing home-cooked dinners with wines lately. Sometimes I buy reds and whites to match the food I'm making, but other times I succumb to buying my favorite moscato and sweet wines. It doesn't help that I have a sweet tooth!
Just listing a few of my favorite sweet bottles so far (not exclusive to dinner-pairing, we drink these while watching movies) : Martini Asti, Firefly Ridge Moscato (only $5.99 from Safeway, what a steal!), Barefoot Moscato (only $4.99 from Walmart), etc.
I also like Choya Umeshu plum wine -- the original one with plums and the new black sugar version are really good. There is also the royal honey one that I only found at the Singapore airport which is pretty tasty as well.
Sangria's delicious too, maybe I should learn to make my own sometime.
I'm really thankful we live in California and close to Napa Valley, so wine is cheap. Safeway and Trader Joe's (this also has its own housebrand bottles) are good places to buy good quality but inexpensive wines.
Just saying. Now back to work

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