Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Nata de coco

One of my favorite jelly desserts!
I add nata de coco to my plain froyo + mochi, nata de coco to milk tea (from the bubble tea shops), nata de coco to vanilla ice-cream, and nata de coco to my warm earl grey tea!
I heart you nata de coco 

Just some facts about nata de coco I learnt today:
It is from the Philippines.
It is produced from "the fermentation of coconut water, which gels through the production of microbial cellulose by Acetobacter xylinus."
Production process:

  1. Extraction of coconut water
  2. Fermentation of the coconut water with bacterial cultures
  3. Separating and cutting the produced mat of nata de coco
  4. Cleaning and washing the acetic acid out of the nata de coco
  5. Cutting to packaging
Courtesy of wikipedia
Aren't microbes amazing? They produce yummy food like cheese, kimchi, sauerkraut, beer and nata de coco!

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